Hey everyone! Im soooooo happy to be doing this, everyone has been asking me to strart blogging, so why the hell not! Lets do this!
yeah no. not sure what I have against bloggers, it may be that I've seen too many fake it online. And that's...the worst. Nothing like having a normal hangs session when all of a sudden, blogger girl opens her mouth while standing sitting on the couch, holding a cup of wine, and a using a not at all attractive blogger tone , "so this is my favvvvvvorite wine! You all have been asking what it was, and I know I've been keeping it a secret but I guess I'll tell. Wha......(next IG story) What I drink is the $5 bottle from northern lights winery, its this little..." Goes on an on an on. Maybe there are worse things in life to complain about, but as my first blog, I felt like I needed to share.
Anywho, not sure what this blog will be about. Probably just my everyday life in the Big Apple.
Here goes nothing